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Musings of a Coastal Ex-Pat in the Midwest

Welcome to my corner of the web.

If there is one thing that could be said about my life, it hasn’t been boring.

Moving to the Midwest has been what one could call an “extreme life makeover”, though truth be told I was already working on myself when this latest plot twist got thrown into my life.  Since relocating I have updated my technical skill set, edited a couple books which will drop this year, and am currently in the process of blowing my previous personal bests out of the water.

My own personal interests are varied and have more than once led to unusual side careers and odd hobbies that will show up from time to time in my posts. Among these are homebrewing/winemaking, historical fencing, and calligraphy. My college years were spent in DC where I studied International Relations.  Although I found myself in ultimately in IT as a career, I still keep up on current affairs and there will be political commentary here from time to time.

What’s happening?

Some posts about my latest doings and whatnot. I’m in the process of putting postings up from my adventures, so some things will be backdated to reflect actual chronology

Operation MOO Meatwagon

Operation MOO Meatwagon

Finally, it's here!  The Cow Post! I have been fielding more than my share of cow jokes since moving to Wisconsin.  Never mind the fact that I encountered more cows on my morning commute in Upstate New York than I do here, if there is one thing that this state is...

What am I up to?

I am always up to something.   In fact, I am often up to several somethings at the same time. 

Click on the links below to see what I’ve been doing in various areas of my life.

Writing and Editing

Food and Drink

Historical Fencing


